
We all want to see you good people enjoy all the great wines out there. Like anything in life, you seldom get the job done on your own. We’d like to take a moment to raise a glass of damn fine fizz to our supporters and creative partners.


Creative partners


Bonny Beattie has been the creative eye behind the lens for many of Tradecraft’s wine projects. She’s not so much a photographer as a visual artist evident in her work for Ata Rangi, Huia Vineyards and Mana Winegrowers. There was no hesitation in enlisting her fine skills to style and shoot some original artwork for this site. Bonny has the unique skill of understanding a project and seeing where a little bit of unique magic can be found. Bonny also adds her discerning eye to styling many of her shoots. We love this gal. If you’re after quality work, then we recommend that you contact Bonny.